People Directory

Photo of Mary Jane Parker

Mary Jane Parker

Visual Arts: Printmaking, 2-D Foundations Visual Arts
Work Phone: (504) 940-2824 Website: Mary Jane parker Aty


Mary Jane Parker received her B.F.A from Louisiana State University, M.A. and M.F.A. Studio Art with Printmaking emphasis from Illinois State University.  Her work is mixed media combining printmaking and painting techniques with glass and bronze sculpture.  She was awarded a Pollock-Krasner Foundation Fellowship in 2007, a Louisiana Division of the Arts Fellowship in 1990 and 2001, a National Endowment for the Arts/Southern Arts Federation Award for Excellence, an NEA Independent Study Fellowship, a Surdna Foundation Arts Teacher’s Fellowship and mini-grants from the Louisiana Division of the Arts.  Ms. Parker’s work is part of the permanent collection of the New Orleans Museum of Art, the Center for Book Arts in New York and numerous private collections.  Mary Jane has taught at NOCCA since 1998 and has received recognition from the Foundation for the Advancement for Teaching in the Arts and the Scholastics Art and Writing Award for Teaching.  She is represented in New Orleans by Arthur Roger Gallery.  Her professional website is

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